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Islandora Starter Site

The Islandora Starter Site is an out-of-the-box deployment of Islandora. It is a complete exported Drupal site, that makes use of the Islandora modules and configures them in a way that is illustrative and useful.

  • For evaluators, it is intended to show off the features and capabilities of Islandora.
  • For interest groups, it is intended to be a place to develop solutions to shared problems.
  • For site builders, it is intended to be a starting point for configuring a site.

The Islandora Starter Site contains no code, only references to other modules and lots of Drupal configuration. A very motivated person could re-create the Starter Site just by installing and configuring modules. This means there's nothing tying you to using the Starter Site. There's also nothing tying you to doing things in a particular way. Also, it means that you won't be getting any "updates" - there's no code to update.

To experience the full Islandora Starter Site, it requires access to external services such as Solr, Fedora, Alpaca, and Matomo. It is therefore suggested to deploy the Starter Site using one of our deployment platforms: ISLE-DC (using the make starter or make starter_dev commands), ISLE Site Template, or the Islandora Playbook (using the starter (default) or starter_dev option in the Vagrantfile).

Last update: March 6, 2025