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Releasing Islandora

Islandora is an ecosystem of repositories and follows a Semantic Versioning Approach. This allows the community to remain aligned with Drupal's approach and support more a more modular approach and more frequent releases, as well as better upgrade paths for those using components of the system. In semantic versioning, a version has three elements 'MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH'. This looks something like 2.1.1, or you may see major versions labelled as 2.x.x. To guide repository maintainers, we recommend you increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

Learn more about Islandora's Versioning Policy

Note to module maintainers specifying composer requirements: please familiarize yourself with the Next Significant Release Modifiers so that module dependencies are as permissive as possible. Most often dependency versions should be tagged using the caret (^) so that bug-fixes and minor releases can be pulled in without updating their module’s composer file.

How to Release Java Code

You will need Java 8 on your system to release java code. The rest of the work is handled handled by Gradle, which is included in the Git repositories. If you cannot get Java 8, you can still release Syn using Docker and the openjdk:8-jdk image. For Alpaca, because of our use of keys, Java 8 is required.

Release Syn

To release Syn

  1. Drop the -SNAPSHOT from projectVersion in build.gradle
  2. Build Syn
    1. If you have Java 8, this can be done with $ ./gradlew build shadowJar
    2. If you don't have Java 8, you can do this with Docker $ docker run --rm -v /path/to/Syn:/opt/Syn openjdk:8-jdk bash -lc 'cd /opt/Syn && ./gradlew build shadowJar'
  3. Push this to Github and slice a new version
    1. Note that this repository prepends a v to the release tag (i.e. use vX.X.X instead of just X.X.X)
  4. Upload both artifacts to the release in Github. These are located in /path/to/Syn/build/libs. You want both islandora-syn-X.X.X.jar and islandora-syn-X.X.X-all.jar.
  5. Bump the projectVersion in build.gradle and add -SNAPSHOT to the end again.
  6. Push this to Github with a commit message of "Preparing for next development iteration"

Release Alpaca

To make sure the release goes smoothly, you should ensure that:

  • You have an account with commit access for Alpaca on GitHub. As a committer, you should already have this level of access.
  • You have an account and have requested to be given permission to publish to the ca.islandora groupId by adding a comment to the Islandora Sonatype Hosting Ticket
  • Ensure you have a trusted code signing key; create if you haven't before and add it to the contributor keys list below
  • Your gradle settings file (~/.gradle/ exists and includes the following:
    ossrhUsername = jiraname
    ossrhPassword = jirapass
    signing.keyId = pubkeyid
    signing.password = keypassphrase
    signing.secretKeyRingFile = /your/home/.gnupg/secring.gpg
  • Your git is configured (locally or globally) to cache github credentials for https or use ssh

Note: As of GPG 2.1 secring.gpg has been removed so you need to export secret keys to create the secret key ring.

gpg --export-secret-keys -o secring.gpg


The following assumes you are using ssh (e.g. for authentication).

It will also work for https if you properly cache your github credentials. The credentials must be cached and valid because Gradle will not prompt you for them.

Release artifacts to Sonatype and Github

You need to merge the latest code into the master branch and use Gradle to release. You can do this by running

  • git clone
  • cd Alpaca
  • git checkout master
  • git pull origin dev
  • ./gradlew release

The script will start but then will ask you to confirm the version to release as.

??> This release version: [0.3.1]  (WAITING FOR INPUT BELOW)
<-------------> 0% EXECUTING [13s]
> :release
> :alpaca-release:confirmReleaseVersion
You then type in the version (ie. 0.4.0) or nothing to use the suggested version (0.3.1 in this example) and hit ENTER.

The gradle release task will take care of dropping -SNAPSHOT from the version, uploading artifacts to Maven central for staging, tagging and pushing a release to github, and bumping master of the Alpaca repository up by a point release for the next development iteration.


The release process will also generate documentation at ./docs/<new-version>. This will need to be added to the git repository and pushed to the master branch:

  • git add docs/<new-version>
  • git commit -m "Add documentation for <new-version>"
  • git push origin
Release from Sonatype
Point of no return

⚠️ The following steps, once completed are final. They cannot be undone, revoked or altered. Only proceed if you've completed all the above steps and are absolutely certain the release is ready for publication.

  • Login to
  • Click on Staging Repositories on the left hand side under Build Promotion
  • On the far left hand side search box enter 'islandora'
  • Locate the artifacts you want to release and click on them
  • Click Close, then Refresh, then Release
Contributor Keys
Name Organization Address Code Signing Key Fingerprint Key Id
Danny Lamb Born-Digital hello at 2D609DB0380A7637A6B72B328D7E7725D47A05FA D47A05FA
Jared Whiklo University of Manitoba jwhiklo at 9F45FC2BE09F4D70DA0C7A5CA51C36E8D4F78790 D4F78790
Nick Ruest York University ruestn at 159493E15691C84D615B7D1B417FAF1A0E1080CD 0E1080CD
Seth Shaw University of Nevada, Las Vegas at 2FF65B22AFA7B2A57F054F89D160AA658DAE385F D160AA658DAE385F


Release the jsonld module by creating a new release for it in Github and on

Release OpenSeadragon

Release the openseadragon module by creating a new release for it in Github and on

Release Islandora Mirador

Release the islandora_mirador module by creating a new release for it in Github and on

Release migrate_islandora_csv

Release the migrate_islandora_csv module by creating a new release for it in Github. This module is minimally maintained on and if you are updating it, consider editing that.

Release Chullo

Release chullo by creating a new release for it in Github.

Release Crayfish-Commons

Crayfish commons depends on the chullo library, and must have its dependencies updated before release.

  1. Bump the dependency on islandora/chullo from dev-dev to the release you just made in the previous step.
  2. composer update -W
  3. Commit and push the composer.json and composer.lock files to Github.
  4. Release crayfish-commons by creating a new release in Github
  5. Put the dependency on islandora/chullo back to dev-dev
  6. composer update -W again
  7. Commit and push the composer.json and composer.lock files to Github with a commit message of "Preparing for next development iteration".

Release Crayfish

Crayfish depends on the crayfish-commons library, and must have its dependencies updated before release.

  1. Bump the dependency on islandora/crayfish-commons in each composer.json for each microservice except for Houdini. Houdini needs the dev-symfony-flex branch of Crayfish Commons, so just leave that dependency alone for now.
  2. Run composer update -W on each microservice. I did this with a little bash-fu: for D in */; do (cd $D; composer update -W) done
  3. Commit and push the composer.json and composer.lock files to Github.
  4. Release the microservices by creating a new release for them in Github.
  5. Put the dependencies on islandora/crayfish-commons back to dev-dev except for Houdini.
  6. Run composer update -W on each microservice again. for D in */; do (cd $D; composer update -W) done makes this easy.
  7. Commit and push the composer.json and composer.lock files to Github with a commit message of "Preparing for next development iteration".

Release Controlled Access Terms

Release controlled_access_terms by creating a new release for it in Github and on

Release Islandora

Release islandora by creating a new release for it in Github and on

Undoing a Release

Dependencies mean that if you are going to release all of the Islandora ecosystem, order is very important. At any point, releases can be deleted, updated, and redone in Github. You can reach out to the community if you have questions. Note that if you want to 'redo' a release, you can follow these steps:

  1. Delete the release in Github through their UI
  2. Delete the tag in Git both locally and remotely: git tag -d TAG_NAME; git push --delete origin TAG_NAME
  3. Begin Releasing again.

You cannot follow these steps when publishing to Sonatype with Alpaca, but this should rarely be an issue. Instead, increment the version number and tag a new release.

Learn more about Islandora's Versioning Policy

Last update: March 6, 2025