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Available Commands

There's a lot of useful commands available to you from within the isle-dc folder.

Rebuild docker-compose.yml

make -B docker-compose.yml will rebuild your docker-compose.yml file based on configuration in your .env file. make demo and make local will automatically do this for you, but if you change configuration at a later point in time, you'll need to run this command to see your changes reflected.

Config Export

make config-export will export your site's configuration to your site's config sync directory (usually config/sync inside your Drupal root folder).

Config Import

make config-import will import site's configuration from your site's config sync directory (usually config/sync inside your Drupal root folder).

Database Dump

make drupal-database-dump DEST=/your/path/dump.sql will dump your Drupal database and place the file at DEST.

Database Import

make drupal-database-import SRC=/your/path/dump.sql will import your Drupal database from the file at SRC.

Export Public Files

make drupal-public-files-dump DEST=/your/path/public_files.tgz will export your public filesystem and place it as a single zipped tarball at DEST.

Import Public Files

make drupal-public-files-import SRC=/your/path/public_files.tgz will import your public filesystem from a single zipped tarball at SRC.

Fcrepo Export

make fcrepo-export DEST=/your/path/fcrepo-export.tgz will export your Fedora repository and place it as a single zipped tarball at DEST

Fcrepo Import

make fcrepo-import SRC=/your/path/fcrepo-export.tgz will import your Fedora repository from a single zipped tarball at SRC

Reindex Fedora Metadata

make reindex-fcrepo-metadata will reindex RDF metadata from Drupal into Fedora. Requires the Views Bulk Operations Module.

Reindex Solr

make reindex-solr will rebuild rebuild Solr search index for your repository.

Reindex the Triplestore

make reindex-triplestore will reindex RDF metadata from Drupal into Blazegraph. Requires the Views Bulk Operations Module.

Last update: September 25, 2024