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Installing Composer, Drush, and Drupal

Needs Maintenance

The manual installation documentation is in need of attention. We are aware that some components no longer work as documented here. If you are interested in helping us improve the documentation, please see Contributing.

In this section, we will install:

  • cURL is used by composer to efficiently download libraries
  • Composer at its current latest version, the package manager that will allow us to install PHP applications
  • Either the Islandora Starter Site, or the Drupal recommended-project, which will install, among other things:
    • Drush at its latest version, the command-line PHP application for running tasks in Drupal
    • Drupal at its latest version, the content management system Islandora uses for content modelling and front-end display

Install cURL

cURL may already be installed. Check by running curl --version. If it isn't, install it:

sudo apt install curl

Install Composer

Download and install Composer 2.x

Composer provides PHP code that we can use to install it. After downloading and running the installer, we’re going to move the generated executable to a place in $PATH, removing its extension:

curl "" > composer-install.php
chmod +x composer-install.php
php composer-install.php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Download and Scaffold Drupal

At this point, you have the option of using the Islandora Starter Site, with its pre-selected modules and configurations which function "out of the box," or build a clean stock Drupal via the Drupal Recommended Project and install Islandora modules as you desire.

On a default Ubuntu install the /var/www directory is owned by root, but we want the webserver to control this space, so we'll give it ownership:

sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www

Option 1: Create a project using the Islandora Starter Site

Navigate to the folder where you want to put your Islandora project (in our case /var/www/html). You can give your site any name you like, but for these instructions we will simply call it "drupal":

cd /var/www/html
sudo -u www-data mkdir drupal
sudo -u www-data composer create-project islandora/islandora-starter-site drupal

This will install all PHP dependencies, including Drush, and scaffold the site.

Drush is not accessible via $PATH, but is available using the command composer exec -- drush

Navigate to the folder where you want to put your Drupal project (in our case /var/www/html), and create the Drupal Recommended Project:

cd /var/www/html
sudo -u www-data composer create-project drupal/recommended-project drupal

Make the new webroot accessible in Apache

Before we can proceed with the actual site installation, we’re going to need to make our new Drupal installation the default web-accessible location Apache serves up. This will include an appropriate ports.conf file, and replacing the default enabled site.


Out of the box, these files will contain support for SSL, which we will not be setting up in this guide (and therefore removing with these overwritten configurations), but which are absolutely indispensable to a production site. This guide does not recommend any particular SSL certificate authority or installation method, but you may find DigitalOcean's tutorial helpful.

/etc/apache2/ports.conf | root:root/644

Listen 80

Remove everything but the "Listen 80" line. You can leave the comments in if you want.

Create a drupal virtual host: /etc/apache2/sites-available/islandora.conf | root:root/644

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName SERVER_NAME
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/drupal/web"
  <Directory "/var/www/html/drupal/web">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
    Require all granted
  # Ensure some logging is in place.
  ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/localhost_error.log"
  CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/localhost_access.log" combined
- SERVER_NAME: localhost - For a development environment hosted on your own machine or a VM, localhost should suffice. Realistically, this should be the domain or IP address the server will be accessed at.

Set permissions and enable the virtual host:

sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo a2ensite islandora.conf
sudo systemctl reload apache2

Prepare the MySQL database

We're going to create a user in MySQL for this Drupal site. Then create a database that we can use to install Drupal.

The following values can (and in the case of the password, should) be changed to local values.

  • DRUPAL_DATABASE_NAME: This will be used as the core database that Drupal is installed into
  • MYSQL_USER_FOR_DRUPAL: Specifically, this is the user that will connect to the MySQL database being created, not the user that will be logging into Drupal
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD_FOR_DRUPAL: This should be a secure password; it’s recommended to use a password generator to create this such as the one provided by
sudo mysql -u root

Install Drupal using Drush

The Drupal installation process can be done through the GUI in a series of form steps, or can be done quickly using Drush's site-install command. It can be invoked with the full list of parameters (such as --db-url and --site-name), but if parameters are missing, they will be asked of you interactively.

Option 1: Site install the Starter Site with existing configs

Follow the instructions in the README of the Islandora Starter Site. The steps are not reproduced here to remove redundancy. But specifically,

  1. Configure the database connection information (see the section above) and fedora flysystem in /var/www/html/drupal/web/sites/default/settings.php.
  2. Install the site using sudo -u www-data composer exec -- drush site:install --existing-config.

When this installation is done, you'll have a starter site ready-to-go. Once you set up the external services in the next sections, you'll need to configure Drupal to know where they are.

cd /var/www/drupal
sudo -u www-data drush -y site-install standard --db-url="mysql://MYSQL_USER_FOR_DRUPAL:MYSQL_PASSWORD_FOR_DRUPAL@" --site-name="SITE_NAME" --account-name=DRUPAL_LOGIN --account-pass=DRUPAL_PASS
This uses the same parameters from the above step, as well as:

  • SITE_NAME: Islandora 2.0
    • This is arbitrary, and is simply used to title the site on the home page
  • DRUPAL_LOGIN: islandora
    • The Drupal administrative username to use
  • DRUPAL_PASS: islandora
    • The password to use for the Drupal administrative user

Congratulations, you have a Drupal site! It currently isn’t really configured to do anything, but we’ll get those portions set up in the coming sections.

Last update: July 17, 2024