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Islandora Starter Site Metadata Configuration


As described in Metadata In Islandora, in Islandora metadata is stored in Drupal, in fields attached to entities. Provided by the Islandora Starter Site, the “Repository Item” content type contains a set of default fields to describe the digital objects an Islandora repository might contain. This set of fields is based on MODS fields commonly used in Islandora 7, and is not intended to be "the standard" metadata profile, rather, a starting point for institutions designing their own repository.

This page presents the primary descriptive and administrative metadata fields found in the Islandora Starter site. We will define each field and give its basic configuration. Most of these configurations can be customized after installation, and new fields can be added as per the needs of an individual institution. Fields are grouped in standard MODS order.

Further information on the metadata configuration can be found in a Google Spreadsheet Islandora Starter Site Metadata Configuration (Google Sheets) which parallels the information on this page. It goes into further detail about the configurations connected to each field, provides information on taxonomies and mappings, and can be filtered or sorted in a variety of ways. The document, or the spreadsheet above, can be copied and used as a basis for planning your own configuration customizations as you work on your Islandora site.

Administrative/System Fields


The name given to the resource. Title is a system field and as such its configurations can not be adjusted. It is the only field that is required by the system.
Machine Name title
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required yes
Maximum Length 255 (character length is set by system but can be changed with a contrib module, see below)
Repeatable no
CSL Citation Mapping title
RDF Mapping dcterms:title
XPath MODS mods/titleInfo/title
Transformation To create a single string out of the subelements of <titleInfo>, we suggest to use the <titleInfo> section of the LOC MODS-DC transform In words, it says to:
  • Take the value of <nonSort>
  • If there was a <nonSort>, add a space
  • Add the value of <title>
  • If there is a <subtitle>, add a space-colon-space and the value of (the first) <subtitle>
  • If there is a <partNumber>, add a period-space and the value of (the first) <partNumber>
  • If there is a <partName>, add a period-space and the value of (the first) <partName>.

    It is worth noting that the subtitle, partNumber, and partName elements are technically repeatable, but this transform only uses the first value encountered. If you have repeating subelements, information will be lost.

Drupal Module Integration The Title Length module allows you to extend the length of the title to 500 characters (possibly more).
The Views Natural Sort module allows you to sort a view by titles while skipping a configurable list of non-sorting characters ("A", "The", "L'", etc.). It's not as precise as nonSort, but does most of the job.
Alternatives Paragraphs are a way to model a multi-part title (nonSort, title, subtitle, partName, partNumber, etc). Combine paragraphs with (automatic entity label? automatic nodetitles?) to not have to enter your title information twice. (Who to contact with experience about this?)

Member of

This item's parent item in Islandora. Usually this will be a collection, book ("Paged Content"),or compound object.
Machine Name field_member_of
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no (will default to empty if no value is entered)
Repeatable yes
Create Referenced Entities no (can only be connected to existing entities)
Facet Member Of
Alternatives You could arrange your content with Entity Reference Hierarchy, which is a very scalable way of representing large hierarchy trees. However, you'd have to re-work a number of hard-coded elements in the islandora module.


The internal-to-Islandora category of the resource. Affects how the item is displayed/viewed.

This field is actionable by Islandora and was designed to trigger derivatives and view modes through the use of Contexts. It is a controlled list and new values should only be added when required (i.e. new behaviors are made available and these values are created to trigger them).

Machine Name field_model
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required yes
Repeatable no
Taxonomies Islandora Models (pre-populated/controlled)
  • Audio
  • Binary
  • Collection
  • Compound Object
  • Digital Document
  • Image
  • Newspaper
  • Page
  • Paged Content
  • Publication Issue
  • Video
Create Referenced Entities no
CSL Citation Mapping type
Alternatives You could model your different types as separate content types. This way, they could have different sets of metadata fields.

Representative Image

Optionally, use this field to link to a Media that will be used as the node's thumbnail. This will be displayed when the DGI Image Discovery module is used. This field takes precedence over the node's "Islandora thumbnail" (i.e. a related media with the "Thumbnail" media use term). See the module's README for the full scope of how images are "discovered". This is a good way to assign a "default" icon for many nodes that don't have actual thumbnail images, as this field allows you to re-use Media, which you can't do with normal Islandora media.
Machine Name field_representative_image
Drupal Field Type Entity reference (Media)
Required? no (will default to using the Islandora thumbnail if no value is entered)
Repeatable no
Create Referenced Entities yes (you can upload files to create and link to a new Media)
Facet none
Alternatives This field is itself an alternative to the "normal" Islandora thumbnail, and does not need to be used if the Islandora thumbnail suffices.

Other Title(s)

Full Title

If the full resource title is longer than 255 characters and you truncated it in the required Title field above, record the full title here.
Machine Name field_full_title
Drupal Field Type Text (plain, long)
Required no
Repeatable no
RDF Mapping rdau:P60515
XPath MODS mods/titleInfo/title[1] + subfields[1] where [1] means first of their name (see possible concatenation under Title)
Alternatives as mentioned under Title, the Title Length module extends the length of the title and could make this field irrelevant.

Alternative Title

Varying form of the title if it contributes to the further identification of the item.
Machine Name field_alt_title
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:alternative
XPath For MODS mods/titleInfo[@type="alternative" or @type="abbreviated" or @type="uniform"]
Alternatives If you need to keep the information about what type of alternative title is being recorded, you could create multiple specific alternative title fields, or create a compound element using Paragraphs.


Contributors (formerly Linked Agent)

Names of entities having some relationship to the resource, and, optionally, the relationship to the resource. If a relationship is not specified, it will be recorded as Associated Name in the system's linked data representation.

This field does not allow creating names of entities on the fly. First create a term in either the person, family, or corporate body taxonomies, then link it here.

Field name changed from "Linked Agent" 09/23.

Machine Name field_linked_agent
Drupal Field Type Typed Relation [link to]
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Corporate Body; Family; Person
Create Referenced Entities no
Relators Starter Site includes 269 terms from the MARC Relators list. Further terms from the list, or custom terms, can be added in the configuration for this field. Publisher has been removed from this list to encourage use of the Publisher field.
CSL Citation Mapping author ; contributor ; editor
Facet Creators and Contributors
RDF Mapping dcterms:contributor
XPath For MODS mods/name/namePart + role/roleTerm > relator

mods/name[@type="personal"]/namePart > "Person" taxonomy

mods/name[@type="corporate"]/namePart > "Corporate Body" taxonomy

mods/name[@type="family"]/namePart > "Family" taxonomy

Alternatives Create custom facets using the "Typed Relation filtered by type" Search API processor. This would allow you to separate out, for instance, creator|author|photographer from the other types of relators as a Search API field/facet.

Type and Genre


The general nature or genre of the content of the resource. To describe the digital or physical format of the resource, use Form instead. In contrast with Model, which is system-actionable, this field is designed to record the Type purely as a metadata element.
Machine Name field_resource_type
Drupal Field Type Entity reference [link to
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable no
Taxonomies Resource Types (pre-populated with hierarchical LOC Resource Type Scheme terms)
Create Referenced Entities no
Facet Resource Type
RDF Mapping dcterms:type
XPath For MODS mods/typeOfResource, mods/typeOfResource[@collection=yes]
Alternatives You may be required to use the Dublin Core types (for compatibility/harvesting); in that case you can replace the current Type vocabulary contents with the desired values.


A term or terms that designate a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc.
Machine Name field_genre
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Genre
Create Referenced Entities yes
CSL Citation Mapping genre
RDF Mapping dcterms:type
XPath For MODS mods/genre; mods/subject/genre

Origin Information

Place Published

Plain text field to describe the place of publication in full or transcribed from an item \ \ See also the entity reference field Place Published Country.
Machine Name field_place_published
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
CSL Citation Mapping publisher-place
RDF Mapping relators:pup
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/place/placeTerm [@type = 'text'] OR [not(@type)]

Country of Publication

Entity reference field to singularly describe the country (or jurisdiction) of publication. Connected to the unpopulated Country taxonomy by default, which can be used for terms or codes from MARC Code List for Countries or elsewhere. Disabled, by default, on Metadata Display and Metadata Form.
Machine Name field_place_published_country
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable no
Taxonomies Country
Create Referenced Entities no
RDF Mapping relators:pup
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/place/placeTerm[@type="code"]


New field added 04/2024. Previously the Contributors/Linked agent field (with a relator value of Publisher) was used for this content.
Machine Name field_publisher
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 500
Repeatable yes
CSL Citation Mapping publisher
RDF Mapping
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/publisher

Date Fields

All date fields use the Drupal EDTF field type and must follow EDTF formatting. For more information on this format and how it works with Islandora see

Date Issued

Date of formal issuance of the resource. This includes publication dates.
Machine Name field_edtf_date_issued
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
CSL Citation Mapping issued
Facet Year (string converted to a simple year value for field_edtf_year and then used for Year facet. A range is converted to multiple years.)
RDF Mapping dcterms:issued
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/dateIssued

Date Created

Date of creation of the resource
Machine Name field_edtf_date_created
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
Facet Year (string converted to a simple year value for field_edtf_year and then used for Year facet. A range is converted to multiple years.)
RDF Mapping dcterms:created
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/dateCreated

Date (Unspecified)

A date without a type or relationship to the resource specified
Machine Name field_edtf_date
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
Facet Year (string converted to a simple year value for field_edtf_year and then used for Year facet. A range is converted to multiple years.)
RDF Mapping dcterms:date
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/dateOther

Copyright Date

Date of copyright of the resource.
Machine Name field_copyright_date
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
Facet Year (string converted to a simple year value for field_edtf_year and then used for Year facet. A range is converted to multiple years.)
RDF Mapping dcterms:dateCopyrighted
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/copyrightDate

Date Valid

Date (often a range) of validity of a resource.
Machine Name field_date_valid
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:valid
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/dateValid

Date Captured

The date on which the resource was digitized or a subsequent snapshot was taken.
Machine Name field_date_captured
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping premis:creation
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/dateCaptured

Date Modified

Date on which the original resource being represented in Islandora was changed. Typically modification dates of digital representations of the resource stored in Islandora will be recorded on the relevant Media instead of here. This field is not populated automatically by any Drupal functionality.
Machine Name field_date_modified
Drupal Field Type EDTF
Required no
Maximum Length 128
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:modified
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/dateModified

Edition Statement

Information identifying the version of the resource.
Machine Name field_edition
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping rdau:P60329
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/edition

Mode of Issuance

A term that designates how the resource is issued. MODS standards limit the values of this field to monographic, single unit, multipart monograph, continuing, serial, and integrating resource, but there are no such limitations in Islandora and the “Issuance Mode” vocabulary is empty on initial installation.
Machine Name field_mode_of_issuance
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Issuance Mode
Create Referenced Entities yes
RDF Mapping rdau:P60051
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/issuance


The publication frequency, in textual form. Can be based on MARC Frequency terms.
Machine Name field_frequency
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Frequency
Create Referenced Entities yes
RDF Mapping rdau:P60538
XPath For MODS mods/originInfo/frequency



Language of the resource content. Can be based on a languages vocabulary such as ISO 639-2.MARC Code List for Languages.

This field is not connected to Drupal system language fields or related to Drupal translation functionality.

Machine Name field_language
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Language
Create Referenced Entities yes
CSL Citation Mapping language
RDF Mapping dcterms:language
XPath For MODS mods/language/languageTerm[@type = 'text'] or [@type = 'code'] mapped to text per iso639-2b

Physical Description


The physical format of the original resource being described. If the resource is a physical object, the physical form is recorded here. If the resource is born-digital, the original digital form is recorded here. Details of the formats of resource representations stored in Islandora should be recorded on the relevant Media files.
Machine Name field_physical_form
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Physical Form
Create Referenced Entities yes
Facet Physical Form
RDF Mapping dcterms:format
XPath For MODS mods/physicalDescription/form


The size or duration of the resource in its original form. Extent of representations of the resource stored in Islandora should be recorded on the relevant Media files.
Machine Name field_extent
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:extent
XPath For MODS mods/physicalDescription/extent



Description of the resource. Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents (alternately its own field), a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Machine Name field_description
Drupal Field Type Text (plain, long)
Required no
Repeatable no
CSL Citation Mapping abstract
RDF Mapping dcterms:description
XPath For MODS mods/abstract (xpath could also map to Abstract; do not map same values to both)


Supplementary to the Description field, for including descriptions that more fit the definition of Abstract as it refers to ETDs, journal articles, or other scholarly publications.
Machine Name field_abstract
Drupal Field Type Text (formatted, long)
Required no
Repeatable no
RDF Mapping dcterms:abstract
XPath For MODS mods/abstract (xpath could also map to Description; do not map same values to both)

Table of Contents

Supplemental to Description, for breaking out specific Table of Contents information separate from a summary description of the object. Allows formatting.
Machine Name field_table_of_contents
Drupal Field Type Text (formatted, long)
Required no
Repeatable no
RDF Mapping dcterms:tableOfContents
XPath For MODS mods/tableOfContents


General textual information relating to a resource, not described in other fields.
Machine Name field_note
Drupal Field Type Text (formatted, long)
Required no
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping skos:note
XPath For MODS mods/note (with [@displayLabel] or [@type] prepended with ': ' to the note)



General subjects which may be constructed from topical, geographic, temporal, and genre subdivisions. If you wish to manage these types of subjects separately, use the more specific Subject fields below.

This field can be used if you are storing composed subject strings rather than component headings/subdivisions in their own fields.

Machine Name field_subject_general
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Corporate Body; Family; Geographic Location; Person; Subject
Create Referenced Entities yes
Store New Items In Subject
Facet Subject
RDF Mapping dcterms:subject
XPath For MODS mods/subject

Subject (Topical)

For use when using separate fields to record topical, geographic, name, and temporal terms. Topical subject terms would be recorded here.
Machine Name field_subject
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Subject
Create Referenced Entities yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:subject
XPath For MODS mods/subject/topic

Subject (Geographic)

For use when using separate fields to record topical, geographic, name, and temporal terms. Geographic subject terms would be recorded here.
Machine Name field_geographic_subject
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Geographic Location
Create Referenced Entities yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:spatial
XPath For MODS mods/subject/geographic

Subject (Name)

For use when using separate fields to record topical, geographic, name, and temporal terms. Names of individuals, organizations, or families would be recorded here.
Machine Name field_subjects_name
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Corporate Body; Family; Person
Create Referenced Entities yes
Store New Items In Person
Facet Subject (name)
RDF Mapping dcterms:subject
XPath For MODS mods/subject/name/namePart

Subject (Temporal)

For use when using separate fields to record topical, geographic, name, and temporal terms. Temporal subject terms would be recorded here.
Machine Name field_temporal_subject
Drupal Field Type Entity reference
Required no
Maximum Length 255 (system limit for Taxonomy terms)
Repeatable yes
Taxonomies Temporal Subjects
Create Referenced Entities yes
CSL Citation Mapping
Facet Temporal Subject
RDF Mapping dcterms:temporal
XPath For MODS mods/subject/temporal



Must be formatted either in decimal (51.47879) or sexagesimal format (51° 28' 43.644")
Machine Name field_coordinates
Drupal Field Type Geolocation
Required no
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:spatial
XPath For MODS mods/subject/cartographics/coordinates

Coordinates (Text)

A plain text field meant as an alternative to the Coordinates field, for values that do not meet the requirements of the Drupal geolocation field type.
Machine Name field_coordinates_text
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:spatial
XPath For MODS mods/subject/cartographics/coordinates


Dewey Classification

Classification based on the Dewey Decimal system.
Machine Name field_dewey_classification
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dc11:subject
XPath For MODS mods/classification[@authority="ddc"]

Library of Congress Classification

Classification based on the Library of Congress Classification system.
Machine Name field_lcc_classification
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dc11:subject
XPath For MODS mods/classification[@authority="lcc"]

Classification (Other)

Classification based on any system that does not have a dedicated field.
Machine Name field_classification
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dc11:subject
XPath For MODS mods/classification



A unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource.
Machine Name field_identifier
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:identifier
XPath For MODS mods/identifier[not(@type)]


An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) identifier.
Machine Name field_isbn
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dbpedia:isbn
XPath For MODS mods/identifier[@type="isbn"]

OCLC Number

An identifier assigned by an OCLC system, such as WorldCat.
Machine Name field_oclc_number
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dbpedia:oclc
XPath For MODS mods/identifier[@type="oclc"]

Local Identifier

Identifier from any locally managed system.
Machine Name field_local_identifier
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dcterms:identifier
XPath For MODS mods/identifier[@type="local"]


PID of this object in Islandora 7.x (applies to migrated objects only)

Disabled, by default, in Metadata Display.

Machine Name field_pid
Drupal Field Type Text (plain)
Required no
Maximum Length 255
Repeatable no

Access Conditions


Free text field for information about restrictions imposed on, and/or rights to, access to a resource, particularly a digital resource. It is not connected to any access control functionality within Drupal.
Machine Name field_rights
Drupal Field Type Text (formatted, long)
Required no
Repeatable yes
RDF Mapping dc11:rights
XPath For MODS mods/accessCondition

Last update: September 25, 2024