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Migrate API

Migrate API

Uses the Drupal Migrate API, which "provides services for migrating data from a source system" to Drupal 8, 9, or 10.

The "source system" can be almost anything:

  • an Islandora Legacy system
  • a group of scanned images and their metadata inside a CSV file
  • a web API

Why use the Migrate API?

  • You can (potentially) do everything with configs!
  • Leverage contrib module plugins.
  • Making plugins for more complex sources and processes is (relatively) simple.
  • Updating metadata is as simple as: drush mim node --update

A Migration Configuration defines an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process

  • Source plugins extract data from a source
  • Process plugins transform the data
  • Destination plugins load the data (create new entities)

We’ve built two tools for you using the Migrate API

Recap of migrate_islandora_csv

  • CSVs
    • Everyone understands and knows how to work with CSVs
  • Documented
    • It’s a step-by-step walkthrough
  • Process Metadata
    • Clean up / transform the metadata using processors
  • Build Relationships
    • Migrations can reference other migrated content or generate new content on the fly

Recap of migrate_7x_claw

  • Designed to migrate Islandora Legacy data to Islandora.
    • All of your datastreams, including the audit trail, are migrated
    • Migrate metadata from Solr or any XML datastream
    • Migrate_7x_claw is a starting point, meant to be tailored to your metadata
To make migrate_7x_claw work you need
  • Access
    • You need credentials to both your Islandora Legacy and Islandora installs.
  • Migrate API Knowledge
    • The tutorial for migrate_islandora_csv Is still relevant
  • Config Sync
    • You need to understand Drupal config synchronization. Features knowledge helps too.
  • Command Line Skills
    • This is best done with shell access and drush

Migrate API demo video

Check out this video that demonstrates the Drupal Migrate API migration process: Islandora Webinar: Migrating from Islandora Legacy to Islandora (Nov 21, 2019)

Last update: July 17, 2024